Regular Meetings of the Lodge shall be held in the months of September, November, March and May. The September meeting shall be held normally at the Cambridge Masonic Temple. The November meeting shall be on a day at a time and location and under the direction of an Installing Master of the Master-Elect’s choosing. The March and May meetings shall be held on any suitable day and time in those months at the location of any host Lodge within the Grand Jurisdiction.
Installation Meeting in November to be held at any suitable time and location under the direction of an Installing Master of the Master-Elect’s choosing.
Heritage Banquet The Heritage Banquet Committee shall be responsible for arranging an annual banquet. Our annual Black Tie Banquet is typically held on the last Saturday of February or at the discretion of the Worshipful Master, and features a Guest Speaker and the presentation of the William James Dunlop Award.
Calendar For volunteers Please visit our password-protected booking page to access the calendar and schedule your day(s).
Updates/Corrections Any errors or updates are to be passed directly to the Lodge Secretary.
Meeting dates and recent events: Our next regular meeting is being held on March 29 (location tba) and then followed by another regular meeting scheduled for May 31, 2025. The Black Tie Banquet is being held on February 22, 2025, at The School in Markham, and the guest speaker is RWBro Art DiCecco, and it has been announced by the committee chaired by MWBro Allan Petrisor that WBro Istvan Horvath will receive the 2025 William J. Dunlop Award.
Our last regular meeting was the Installation and Investiture of Officers (November 30, 2024), which was very well attended and held at the Whitby Masonic Temple. The IM for the ceremony was RWBro Abe Washington and it was preceded by a CoGP meeting at 11am, followed by lunch held at noon.
The Installation Ceremony featured the attendance of our current Grand Master, who was joined by four past Grand Masters, the Grand Senior Warden, the Grand Junior Warden, the Grand Director of Ceremonies and the Grand Registrar, among many Masons from across Ontario, who filled the Whitby Masonic Temple to capacity.
At the CoGP meeting held prior to the ceremony, several topics were discussed, including a recommendation to increase the annual dues, which will be discussed at the next CoGP (to be held online), and the WM-elect announced he will appoint RWBro Stephen Magwood to chair the Outreach Committee in order to (a) begin to research options regarding the creation of a Masonic Museum, (b) address the process to acquire, curate and display Masonic artefacts, and (c) work with our Regional Representatives to ascertain whether we can locate and contact additional “pioneer villages” in this province and expand our Black Creek initiative.
Earlier this year Blackwood Lodge 311 hosted The Heritage Lodge on Saturday, May 25, 2024, as part of their 150th Anniversary celebration. The members of Blackwood provided refreshments and Heritage Lodge officers opened at 1pm. There was a presentation on the history of Blackwood Lodge and then lodge was closed. Of note, during the lunch prior to our recent Installation, Masons were reminded by RWBro Dan Graham they are welcome to recommend those lodges that are similarly celebrating anniversaries and involve The Heritage Lodge in the months to come.
Check out our News section for video footage, taken at Black Creek in May 2023. The Lodge Room in The Village at Black Creek re-opened for visitors in September 2023, new Volunteers are being trained – and more are needed and additional sessions will be announced soon. This past summer (2024), thousands of visitors were welcomed by our Interpreters and had all their questions answered. Please contact Bill Willis, Andrew Turk or George Burt to sign up.
February 22, 2025 The School of Fine Dining | 6pm | Annual Black Tie Banquet |
Date | Meeting Location |
tba (January) | Online |